Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Crises Solved by Pres. Obama? ZERO! Crises Created by Obama? Impossilbe to Determine.

Crises Solved by President Obama?  ZERO.  Crises Created by Obama? Impossible to Determine.

We have watched Obama carefully through more than 7 years of non-stop campaigning, filled with unending promises and lies.  This has gone beyond the pale for what any citizen should expect.  If
anyone thinks there is no calculated pattern to this behavior, they are either in denial or they are ideologues without morals. The over-riding guidelines of how Obama has governed is the classic book, "Rules for Radicals" by the now infamous Communist ideologue Saul Alinsky.  Indeed, Obama has so systematically violated his oath of office, he has created a crisis of conscience for anyone who ever took an oath of office to protect and defend this country and the Constitution.

Obama's arrogance has shown no bounds.  His actions with regard changing and writing laws without Congress violate not only the letter of the law, they are a mortal insult to anyone believing in the balancing of the Separation of Powers in our Constitution.  I have spoken with many people who have recognized this, but who seem intellectually paralyzed about making a real political issue of his treasonous behavior.

Beginning with the issue of his sloppily forged birth certificate, to his 80 Social Security account numbers, to Fast and Furious, to his destruction of our sovereign borders, Obama seems to be above accountability for his conduct.  Now, even his own Democratic Party, who master-stroked the insane and inept 2700 page Obamacare are now abandoning him.  If any group should be abandoned, if not condemned, it is the Democrats who elected this fraud our President. 

Obama believes he is untouchable, and that he is getting away with his illegal and insulting behavior because his Attorney General, Eric Holder, is completely at his command.  Holder personifies the character of the amoral lawyer addressed in fact and satire, and a human shield against the amorality and criminal behavior of his President.  When will the American people say enough?  Why do they think that will make any difference?  Obama has ignored both Congress and the Supreme Court.  Who individually thinks they have that kind of power to neuter him?

I am disgusted beyond words.  I was always a "My Country, Right or Wrong."  I can no longer say that.  I took an oath of office for which many of my friends and acquaintances sacrificed their lives in the name of.  The recent murders of Breibart and his Coroner and Tom Clancy were just the latest crises before the newest one, the illegal importation of children.  Obama used his brilliant strategies of never letting a crisis go to waste, and of creating the crises anytime one of his prior failures started to get too much focus from the Press, the House or the Senate. 

He has created crises through his incompetence, and by a more evil strategy of destroying this country from within, tearing apart our Constitutional Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.  He has no feelings of loyalty to this country.  He panders to the very worst of the very weakest members of our society.  Anyone reading his 2012 campaign speeches heard the identical repetition of tired rhetoric of the 2008 campaign. 

If ever a candidate were slandered, it was Mitt Romney, whose positions on the issues weren't just right, but systematically so.  The Candy Crowell debacle about her erroneous position on what was said or not by Obama, an outright lie, cost her nothing, when she should have been forced to trial for her citizenship.   What would have happened to a conservative moderator for such a damaging error?  And this caricature of a left wing demagogue never even bothered to apologize, not to Romney nor to the American Public.  No candidate should ever again agree to debate in front of such left wing ideologues, or to have their debates over-sighted by the current Organization responsible for these debates.

I felt compelled to write this, but it won't change anything, except my demands on my own morality.
I once repeated a story told in a movie about a gigolo who has a conversation with the father of a woman he was "escorting".  The very British father said that a great book (written by the gigolo) had an astonishing observation that women get the relationship they really want.  I say the same to the American people.  They made this creature President, and they own him.  And thus was it ever so.

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