Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Sheltered Investigative Actions, 1994 to 2014

Beginning in 1994, I acted as a select source of industry based expertise on illegal short selling of all forms of securities globally, by criminals domestic and international, for plaintiff lawyers for victims, for Government law enforcement authorities, for regulatory agencies, and similar authorities offshore.  By the requirements of these parties, under privilege for all counsel referenced, I produced thousands of pages of analyses to hundreds of parties, used confidentially in thousands of investigations, against hundreds of perpetrators in a huge number of jurisdictions, both domestically and internationally.

The accuracy of my work was such that some of the same parties I worked most closely with and who used other purported experts of narrower expertise would tell me that, without reservation, I had not only been the best on the full arena of this expert work, but that I remained their single source to whom they could ask virtually any question about any domain involved. I did much of this work without any compensation, and a very small amount for limited compensation, much of which was accrued and never paid. 

What did I get for these millions of words of professional output involving personal physical risk ?  Literally uncounted threats against my life, anonymous slanders, libels from ignorant idiots, finally provoking my turning over to one of my Federal Task Force Contacts the information for my protection in exchange for copying them on all non-privileged output for the nearly countless victims of this never-ending scandal.  What was it that made me so valuable to them?  I was the only vocal expert advocating for the victims who had actually done the work professionally as a trader and senior executive from the Sell side of the securities industry, and as an executive of two victim companies who had over $850 Million dollars in market cap stolen from them. 

I worked with or provided investigative support to numerous Federal Task Forces, virtually all Federal Investigative Agencies, to SEC heads, to US Attorneys General, to White House General Counsel, to uncounted AUSA's on over 200 cases, and much more, including support of both in-house and outside general counsel for numerous victims.  I named names of perpetrators to all these parties, and I can point to the handful of cases I influenced the outcome of.  These were the only cases that actually were proved up, while our elected and appointed authorities were more interested in protecting the thieving scum who ran these scams, than they were in punishing these people for their theft of Trillions of dollars from millions of investors in thousands of companies.  Indeed, these criminal parties should have been tried, and then thrown in prison for life, or more appropriately, tried for national security related treason and condemned.  It cost me five years of Government protection against these threats, who I came to feel I should have dealt with personally.

I look back without regret, but I threw away some of my most productive years of my life on this without significant compensation.  I earned the respect of the people I cared about, by dealing with both good and bad actors, in the process of learning the details of the criminals' conduct.  Could I recommend anyone else do this?  The answer is a resounding NO, not just NO, but HELL NO.  I came within inches of getting myself attacked physically with some idiots who thought they could intimidate me.  I walked away in every case, when I could have ended them almost without effort, but losing my freedom in the process. 

Did authorities contribute ANYTHING to stopping these scum from running their scams?  NOT A DAMNED THING.  The criminals here operated with virtually unlimited venality.  They weren't afraid of the authorities, not a whit.  The biggest of these criminals, who individually had billions of dollars in assets, paid their major lawyers enormous funds to insure that they would never be touched, and with only three or four exceptions, they were never touched. 

One of the victims of vicious criminal manipulation alone says everything needed about regulatory corruption and arrogance, the NASDAQ Bulletin Board.  It was targeted for destruction by its very creators in the Federal agencies.  No one will ever know what this has cost this country in lost business opportunities, lives lost because drug products were lost in small companies, and much worse.

I asked for face to face meetings with many of these Federal and State authorities on a number of occasions.  They ran like dogs from any meeting, fearful of the potential outcome that might arise from such a confrontation.  They knew they were guilty, and they didn't want to be forced to face it hard on.

In conclusion, I sacrificed millions of dollars personally in the name of these causes, while the American people got the best Government Money Can Buy.  I was asked who was responsible for such a monstrous activity.  I responded that if someone wanted to know who was responsible, they simply had to look in a mirror.  I leave this with anyone reading this.

I thank those who I supported and who supported me on the legal front for protecting my privilege.  They no longer need to be concerned with this.