For those of you not familiar with how regulators work at every level, their most important surveillance systems are dedicated to monitoring trades. In many cases, these are high level Artificial Intelligence based systems running on state of the art networks. These systems flag suspicious trading so that proper inquiry can be made of those doing the trades.
In every case, these systems should have been sending visual and audio alerts to those responsible for monitoring them, in absolute real time. No manipulation the size of the 2008-9 Raid by global financial manipulators including Sovereign Wealth Funds, organized crime, variouis brokers and many hedge funds could have been missed, only ignored.
These US officials should be interrogated in sworn depositions to determine why they didn't act on these signals. There are only a limited number of answers they can give, and none of them are good for them or Congress. We need to stop making excuses for malfeasant behavior and start to strip those responsible of their jobs, and send those who profited to prison.
This "Ship" has been torpedoed, and there should be no attempt to save the survivors of the systems that were so totally manipulated by our USG. They like to indict people, so let's see how they like being indicted. The SEC OIG can't even take sworn testimony from SEC employees. I am sure this is part of the problem. Have the FBI take their statements, and then have DOJ (they need to learn to do their jobs without SEC help) indict these profiteers.